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Sophia Gaeun Lee, Funeral Sculpture, Photo Frame, Collage, Faux Flowers, 22 in x 4 ft
Dissonance- Repressed Tones
February 7 - March 28, 2025
Leedy Underground Gallery II
Colleen Bailey
Zen Echo
Lucy Hodges
Sophia Gaeun Lee
Angela Lim
Lu Lu
Lucas Nguyen
Yash Singh
Thanat Singhirunnusorn
There exists a genetic predisposition to perfect pitch caused by the prevalence of tonal language in many asian cultures. However, the societal expectation for English fluency overwhelms that internal resonance. While the skill is exercised through music lessons and familial translation, the root of the sound is lost to an environment that sees little use for the ability day-to-day. With pressures to conform, and, at times, performing to forget, how does one create harmony from opposing voices? Dissonance expresses the conflict Asians in America experience between the sounds they live and the ones they leave behind.
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